Navy Seal Michael Jaco: Evergreen Ship Will Be a Big Deep State Reveal! Where Is the Ammo? Coming Soon as I Reveal Why! - Must Video


The pilots of these vessels do not make “mistakes” like this, and the wind wouldn’t stick it like a dart deep in the side of the bank either. This ship was intentionally crashed.

My uncle died 3 days after his second Pfizer jab. His life insurance policy was null and void because he participated in an “experimental vax trial” the policy supposedly stated if he died within 12 months it would be null and void. Yall better warn your family.

I’m in Arizona. Mask mandate lifted 3 days ago, but people still wearing mask in places not requiring it. It’s crazy. Super busy grocery store and I think maybe 5% of us with no mask. People are so brainwashed.


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