Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Vaccines Derived from Aborted Babies Can be Used for Good

How many Christian pastors do you know saying the death of innocent babies through abortions can be a good thing?

For the pro-life crowd, how can abortion ever be considered a good thing?


And using them to develop an EXPERIMENTAL vaccine that has yet to be approved by the FDA?

Vaccines that have already been responsible for the deaths of thousands of people.

What about these vaccines whatsoever is pro-life?

Pastor Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church in Dallas seems to think using cell lines from aborted fetuses can be used for the “greater good.”

Check out these clips:


Not only does Jeffress make the attempt to justify using cell lines from aborted fetuses for vaccines, he compares it to the death of Jesus Christ.

Jeffress makes the analogy that the death and bloodshed of innocent babies is comparable to his Crucifixion.

So, this pastor wouldn’t refuse a vaccine if aborted babies were used to develop it?

The media won’t do it, so I’m going to call him out.

This man is a fraud and wolf in sheep’s clothing.

How many principled Christians would refute their pro-life stance simply because the fetal cell lines were from a long time ago?

If that was their stance, then this could be a revolving door of aborted fetuses used for future vaccine development.

The fact that Jeffress doesn’t condemn abortion to develop vaccines outright shows that he’s a manipulator and phony.

And all of this to convince skeptical Christians to shut up and take their jab.

Jeffress isn’t the only pastor whose true colors are showing in the era of COVID-19.

Another prominent figure attempting to manipulate Christians into taking the experimental jab is Franklin Graham.

The son of the legendary evangelist Billy Graham.

Franklin Graham recently commented that Jesus would approve of the COVID-19 vaccines.

So, Graham thinks a pastor telling someone NOT to take the vaccine is problematic due to the possibility of dying from COVID.

Well, what if a pastor instructs someone to take the vaccine and they die from side effects of the experimental jab?

Did you ever think about that Mr. Graham?

And attempting to convince your audience that taking the jab is what Jesus would do?

You’re a fraud!

Shame on you.

Pastor Greg Locke had this response to Graham’s take on the COVID-19 vaccine:

Whether it’s Jeffress, Graham, or any other pastor in the country, be weary of the messages these prominent figures are propagating to their audiences.

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