President Trump Now Has “Hundreds of Millions” – Here’s What Move He Made

 Right now, President Trump is in a wonderful place.

Trump is in a great position to make another bold game-changing move now that the sham impeachment is behind him, having made fools of the Democrats and GOP establishment in the process, and having just made a successful political comeback at CPAC last Sunday.

President Trump is more famous than ever, and the fact that he’s been barred from all social media outlets has transformed him into a living martyr, strengthening his already strong persona.

And while we’re on the topic of social media… President Trump, who has wielded social media as a razor-sharp tool, is likely to return there as well… But there’s more to the story than that.

Right now, Trump has a “Kraken” up his sleeve, and I can’t wait to see how he uses it…

President Trump announced to his inner circle that he has secured hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to develop and launch his own social media site.

What do you think? If/when this happens, liberals and GOP hackers will be standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to swan dive down.

Former President Donald Trump is said to be in discussions with donors about making a comeback on social media.

After years of censorship and politicians’ failure to address the issue, Trump may decide to act where others have failed. The Washington Examiner announced on Thursday that “Former President Donald Trump has told friends he has hundreds of millions of dollars in backing for a new social media company that would give him an online presence and shield conservatives from being shut down online.” According to two sources familiar with the situation, investors included Silicon Valley leaders worried about censorship and “cancel culture.”

In a Newsmax TV clip from February 17, Trump said, “We’re negotiating with a variety of people.” “You can even make your own site because we have more users than anybody else, so you can actually create your own site. However, we were facing a lot of harassment on Twitter. They were erecting different flags, as I believe they are known. Almost everything you said was flagged.”

“We have been negotiating with numerous other sites, and will have a major announcement soon,” Trump said in a now-deleted tweet, “while we also look at the possibility of building out our own website in the near future.”

In a interview, Trump chastised Twitter for selective censorship, saying, “You have other foreign countries saying the worst things possible and they don’t even talk about it.”

There have been rumblings about Trump’s return to social media for weeks.

Jason Miller, a senior advisor to Trump, hinted at Trump’s intentions in early February. He didn’t say what the plans were, but he did say that there were a lot of them: “both possibilities are on the table.” Trump was discussing several options for his grand reentry into social media, according to Miller, who talked to Breitbart News on SiriusXM 125 the Patriot Channel. “We’re really trying to find out which direction makes the most sense,”

Jason Miller went on to provide some additional facts about President Trump’s imminent return to social media:

“There are a variety of different options and discussions that they’ve been having on that front, whether it’s entering an established network or developing his own platform. That isn’t going to happen anytime soon.”


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