Scott McKay - "What You See Is Still An Ongoing Military Operation!" The Tipping Point on Revolution Radio! - 3.1.21 - Must See Video


Trump had alot of Military around him at cpac. Most “ex” President only have secret service. I would say Trump is President!

I work at a Drug and alcohol treatment center with addicts that come off the streets daily and none of us wear a mask and no one has gotten sick. Our company doesn’t make us wear a mask. I live in Florida. I went to my Dr the other day and she came in double masked and a face shield and was all freaked out that I kept dropping my mask. She’s young , me not so young lol but March 15 sounds good to me. If anyone were to get sick remember this Frontline Dr.’s. We have a homeless section and you never hear of anyone dying. The regular Flu and colds have all disappeared because everything is considered covid.

Trump is STILL our president – he won by a landslide and military already have all the evidence and details of that fact.

Scott Mckay, I’ve been listening to you and I look for your videos everyday for a little more than a year now. I don’t usually speak or make any comments but I do listen to what you have to say. I agree with you everybody does need to wake up. I don’t know everything about what’s going on but what I do know and have seen is extremely horrifying. I really would like to help out as much as I can so I try by sharing your videos and some others that are fighting the same war. I’m limited to what I can do physically because I’m disabled But I do have Internet access to be able to share the material. Regardless of how ugly this is I’m trying to learn as much as I can so I can help educate others on the truth. Of course I can see how hard it is to get people to wake up because I have friends and family that don’t want to hear it and thinking I’m crazy. But that’s OK I can live with that someday they will see that I was speaking the truth. I have thought about sending you an email to discuss with you the situation we have in front of our faces. But I’m never good at checking my emails so I would probably even miss your message. So with that being said here is a message to you in here and I hope you read it. I thank you and appreciate everything that you do to try to educate the public on what’s going on in our country today. God-Bless you and your family.


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