Trump Will Lead A Campaign Against Disloyal RINO Senator.

 Donald Trump said that he would visit Alaska to start a campaign against RINO Sen. Lisa Murkowski. 

Lisa Murkowski is a Republican who is up for re-election in the 2022 Election. 

When Trump gave The Hill a statement, we acknowledged that Trump’s first thing to do is to get this senator out of office. 

In his statement, Trump said: 

“I will not be endorsing, under any circumstances, the failed candidate from the great State of Alaska, Lisa Murkowski. She represents her state badly and her country even worse. I do not know where other people will be next year, but I know where I will be — in Alaska campaigning against a disloyal and very bad Senator,”

Trump and Murkowski’s quarrel originated back in 2018. 

The Hill reported: 

‘’Murkowski voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court that year and said in 2020 that Trump should not have named a replacement of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after Republicans in 2016 declined to take up then-President Obama’s nominee to fill in a Supreme Court vacancy in an election year.’’

Many polls were made, and the results show that people support Trump. 

Polling shows that if Trump wants to lead a campaign against this senator, he has the support, and Lisa would be in trouble. 

Washington Times and CPAC poll’s results show that Trump is the favorite without competition. 

More than 95% of the respondents supported Trump’s job as a president. 

Two-thirds of the respondents say that they want Trump to run again for President and they will vote for him too; 15% said that they don’t want to run for President. Only 17% of the respondents said that they weren’t sure. 

Also, another poll showed that 95% of the respondents would like the GOP to continue pursuing Trump’s policies. 

If you want to know more about the polls’ results, you can see them below. 

The results are from Daily Wire. 

The top issues for respondents: 
  • Election Integrity – 62%
  • Constitutional Rights – 48%
  • Immigration/Border Wall – 35%
  • Reopening the Economy – 32%
  • Second Amendment – 26%
  • Taxes/Budget/Spending – 22%
  • National Security/Foreign Policy – 20%
  • Dignity/Pro-Life – 16%

Donald Trump’s plan and policies: 

  • Republicans should continue Donald Trump’s issue agenda and policies – 95%
  • Republicans should change direction and move away from Donald Trump’s issue agenda and policies – 3%
  • Unsure – 2%
Would you support if Trump runs for President in 2024? 
  • Yes – 68%
  • No – 15%
  • Unsure – 17%
From the offered candidates, whom would you give your vote in 2024? 
  • Donald Trump – 55%
  • Ron DeSantis – 21%
  • Kristi Noem – 4%
  • Nikki Haley – 3%
  • Mike Pompeo – 2%
If Trump wouldn’t run for the 2024 Presidential election, for whom would you vote? 

  • Ron DeSantis – 43%
  • Kristi Noem – 11%
  • Donald Trump Jr. – 8%
  • Mike Pompeo – 7%
  • Ted Cruz – 7% 

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