Update On EVERGREEN: Headed For Inspection? My Friend Daniel Explains…

 I wanted to give a really important update on the EVERGREEN ship, the Ever Given.

Reports broke today that the ship had been successfully “refloated” (I just find that to be a funny word) and it was continuing on it’s journey.

Story over?

Not so fast.

The ship is apparently on it’s way again, but it is headed for INSPECTION!

This is what we’ve all been waiting for!

Take a look:

Confirmed by UNILAD:

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has ordered that the shipping containers should be removed from the huge Ever Given ship currently trapped in the Suez Canal.

Since Tuesday, March 23, the enormous ship has been blocking the busy trade route between Asia and Africa, costing the global economy an estimated $400 million for every hour it remains stuck there.

 Efforts to dislodge the ship have so far failed, with dredgers shifting more than 27,000 cubic metres of sand to a depth of 18 metres, in a desperate attempt to set the vessel free.

The Suez Canal Ship Drama Is Inspiring A Wave Of Memes We Can All Relate ToPA Images
Now al-Sissi has been left with no choice but to order preparations to unload the ship’s cargo in an attempt to help refloat the boat, according to a statement from the Suez Canal Authority (SCA), as per Reuters.

SCA Chairman Osama Rabie is reported to have told Egyptian state TV:

There are positive indicators from yesterday and the day before yesterday.

The rudder was not moving and it is now moving, the propeller is working now, there was no water underneath the bow, and now there is water under it, and yesterday there was a 4-metre deviation in the bow and the stern.

However, a mass of rock was later found at the bow of the ship, bringing the progress to a screeching halt.

The ship weighs an eye-watering 200,000 metric tons and can carry a total of 20,000 containers; something that those working on recovering the boat say is stopping it from being able to be freed.

The Ever Given initially became stuck as a result of high winds, with more than 321 boats now stuck waiting to transit the canal.

John Denholm, president of the UK Chamber of Shipping, has warned it could take a number of weeks to eventually remove the vessel, at great cost to the global economy.

Oh, and check this out…..I’ve been telling you we are headed for a Red Sea Moment, right?

Well, according to VesselFinder, the Ever Given is currently located IN THE RED SEA:

Just a coincidence, I’m sure….

Listen to my friend Daniel unpack many more details.

This is really good, watch safely here on Rumble:

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