[VIDEO] SCREAMING MATCH Of Liberal Activist After Demanding Vaccine Passports

 Democrats support the idea of an introduction to the vaccine passports to travel worldwide and to attend crowded events. But, the Dems reject the order of showing I.D. when voting.

Hahaha, can you find the logic here?

When the vaccine passports were discussed on Fox News on Tuesday, we could hear one screaming match. In the game participated Democrat activist Chris Hahn and former White House communication director Mercedes Schlapp.

In the show, Hahn supported the new passports and simultaneously criticized the Republicans and conservative pundits similar to Tucker Carlson. According to Hahn, they spread controversies and sowing doubt in the vaccine quality.

Gillian Turner shared his opinion.
“Mercedes, it strikes me that something else interesting about these vaccination passports that Republicans are saying is that it’s hypocritical coming from the Biden administration,”

“Because this is the same administration whose party is broadly against the idea of I.D. requirements for voter registration and voting at polls across the nation.”

Then, Schlapp started.  “You hit a really important point here, and that’s the illogical mentality of the left, where you’re hearing this support for the vaccine passports,”

“We’ve already seen Governor Cuomo move forward in this direction in terms of having vaccine credentials when individuals are going to an entertainment venue. And then, at the same time, you have the Democrats saying, well, wait a second, you don’t need a voter I.D. to vote.”

When Hahn stepped on the stage, the segment became crazy because he immediately started speaking louder.

“Here’s what’s troubling. The private sector is driving it, not the government, but Republicans, like everything else they’ve done during this horrible crisis we’ve been through, are pushing these conspiracy theories that the government is trying to control you, which is causing some of their followers not to get vaccinated,”- Hahn replied angrily.

He directly attacked Schlapp, making the situation more intensifying.

Hahn said, ‘’Hold on!’’

Speaking to Schlapp, he continued sharing that everything the conservatives have said is lies.

To which Schlapp replayed: “I am not going to take this from you! You are not going to call me a liar!”

“This is what Democrats do! They keep calling us names! We’re not going to put up with this! I stand for freedom! I stand for the freedom of the American people!”

Hahn was furious, so he responded, “No, you don’t! No, you don’t.”
“You’re a grifter! This is ridiculous!”

The entire game was exciting to observe!

Watch the entire screaming match here:

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