Deep State Arrests: The CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS and The Military Industrial Complex


I know this post could get me in trouble, considering the power of the entities that I am writing about, but it’s important for me to share this anyway. I have long had a problem with them, culminating with their surveillance of me in my private life and attempts to censor my prophetic writings in various platforms. If they are under the delusion that I am going to shut up due to their intimidation and harassment, they have thought entirely wrong.

There has been much discussion over the years about the mysterious “Deep State” in US society. Many people deny that there is one, relegating it to mere conspiracy theory that should be ignored. The existence of a government structure that is in control of world society is not fake, but in fact a real thing that needs to be exposed so people fully understand how not free we really are.

In order to fully comprehend the problem humanity faces, the pivotal question must be asked of who is “The Deep State”? Much of the reason that people tend to dismiss such a thing is because they believe it is the writings of antisemites or those who promote evil in the universe.

While the discussion has popularity in these groups, the truth of the matter is that the entities in the “Deep State” collective are, in fact, fascists and allies of the far right that has taken such power across the globe in recent years.

The CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the DHS and the military industrial complex, along with every police department in the nation, are who are part of a coordinated system of power that does not answer to the working person.

  • They are the unaccountable engine, endowed by the wealthy for the protection of their property and prosperity, that controls the country and much of the world.
  • They are not elected.
  • They are not held accountable to the people.
  • They are an entity onto themselves.
  • They are rogue actors that are really in charge of society. Anytime someone tries to expose them and fight back against them, they end up imprisoned and jailed or killed in the most heinous of cases.
  • They assassinated JFK, MLK JR, Malcolm X and many other important political and cultural leaders over the last 100 years.
  • They have overthrown governments that they cannot control.
  • They jail those that oppose their policies of fascism.
  • They torture those who expose their war crimes, such as Julian Assange.
  • They destroy anyone who stands in their way, with a public complicit due to their lack of understanding of the powers at work here. As long as these people control the government, even if it is done through an illusionary “democracy,” real progress for the people cannot happen.

The abolition of “The Deep State” is necessary in order for there to be true global freedom, not just American freedom. There will be revelations coming in the underground press in the near future that will expose the powers that be more fully than I have mentioned here. Watch out for them.

They will knock down a house of cards that has been held up by wealth, media propaganda, labor exploitation, human rights abuses and blood for far too long. The spirits of the victims of these entities are looking for their justice and they will exact it upon them in the upcoming war, both mortal and spiritual. The day of reckoning is coming. There’s nothing they can do to stop it. Silencing me won’t stop their karma. It will only speed up the timeline to its rightful conclusion.

Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions. Video below:

People want to know when the truth on Deep State arrests will be exposed. I think about this daily.

My readers ask if I have updates on when the Deep State Arrests will be completed, but of course, I don’t have intel on that, obviously. I post what I research and hopefully we’ll have answers sooner than later.

The Arrests of The Deep State and the war between good and evil around the world is happening now, mainly underground.

When I say underground, I’m referring to DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases.)

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