FACT CHECK: Did Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Say, “We Want to Reduce the Number of People in the World by 50%” by 2023?

 It’s time for a fact check.

There’s a viral clip featuring Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla that’s spreading like wildfire.

In the video, Bourla claims that it’s their dream to reduce the world population by 50% in 2023.


A blunt admission to global depopulation!

That’s what Bourla stated, right?

However, that’s not EXACTLY what Bourla said in the sit-down interview with Darth Schwab.

In reality, Bourla referenced reducing the number of people in the world who don’t receive Pfizer’s ‘medicines’ by 50%.

Here’s the WEF video timestamped to begin at 2:35:

“By 2023, we will reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50%,” Bourla said.

While WE KNOW these globalist freaks desire depopulation, sharing doctored videos won’t deliver that message to the masses.

We have several reports of globalist henchmen exposing their depopulation agenda.

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